Importing medicines from your company

日期:2024-01-17    巴基斯坦
Importing medicines from your company
Dear sir
Best Regards
We are a company in Yemen that includes five different sectors, one of which is medicines and medical supplies. We are working on importing medicines through many of our partners in the world, and we are working on reselling them in retail. We would like to establish a partnership with you by importing medicines from you.
We look forward to building business cooperation with you and importing medicines from you. Your company was chosen as one of the leading companies in the manufacture of medicines.
We envision that cooperation with you will be fruitful and enable us to develop our companies together.
We are ready to send the annual request for products as soon as the partnership is approved, and we can provide you with our partners and brands. business in different countries of the world
This is the website of our parent company and its trademarks
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards
Dr. Afeef Hassan.
Import Manager of Bright Vision Pharma. Yemen
  • 公司:******
  • 姓名:+967776411207
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