Wind Generator FT-10KFG

日期:2023-11-23    美国
Wind Generator FT-10KFG
Hi Jimmy

I will proceed the commissioning project for one of my customer. Due to the local law we need to describe such data like Noise of the prop, working in the nominal wind speed.

Can you supply me with such data? Of course I hope you have any measurement for the turbine.

The second data will be RPM MAX expected in survival wind, and the nominal wind.

I will be responsible for the placement of the turbine on the top of the special post (approx 15m tall). I need the exact technical drawing wit mounting pad and the manufacturer directions.

I will be obliged for your quick help
  • 公司:******
  • 姓名:Darek
  • 电话:******
  • E-MAIL:******
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