Aluminium Foil RFQ

日期:2023-06-22    澳大利亚
Aluminium Foil RFQ
Dear Export Manager,

We are an international trade company, based in Melbourne, Australia. I am writing to request a quotation for the following aluminium foil products to be distributed in Australia and potentially other parts of the world. I have a few clients interested in quotations for the following general specifications of Aluminium Foil to be used on household items; food packaging, product packaging and we are also seeking to export rolls of foil as per the general specifications and regulations.

If possible, please provide us with the general specifications of household foil in particular, to export to Australia.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
  • 公司:******
  • 姓名:Danton Basnet
  • 电话:******
  • E-MAIL:******
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